Module Review is an opportunity to revisit your basic skills while meeting your CE requirements. Practitioners may attend, as a review, any day/s of Modules 4 – 6 of the Certificate IV in Bowen Therapy 11273NAT or any day/s of Modules 8-11 of the Diploma of Specialised Bowen Therapy 11274NAT.
Join a module review class to revisit the curriculum and refine the skills taught in Modules 4-6 and/or Modules 8-11. You’ll receive an in-depth, practical skills review, including demonstration of procedures with anatomical aspects highlighted. A great opportunity to hone your skills with procedures you may not have used frequently in clinic.
Module 4
New procedures: ankle & strapping, upper respiratory/TMJ, forearm, seated, babies, hammertoe, bunion
Revised procedures: pelvic, elbow/wrist, sacral, knee
Module 5
New procedures: coccyx, north, east, south, west, gallbladder, chest
Revised procedures: ankle & strapping, upper respiratory/TMJ, forearm, seated, babies, hammertoe, bunion
Module 6
New procedures:5a & 7a medially, bursitis, conception, perineal, bedwetting, thoracic
Revised procedures:coccyx, north, east, south, west, gallbladder, chest
Module 8
Specialised procedures, fascia, related body systems, embryology, phsyical assessment skills, special tests and rehabilitation skills for lumbar spine and pelvis, hip and lower limb
Module 9
Specialised procedures for lower limb, pregnancy, sinus, TMJ, thoracic, rhomboids, foot stretch, knee strapping, assessment of neck and thoracic spine, related body systems, pathology assessments review, Bowen-specific assessments (intro)
Module 10
Specialised procedures for sternal and rib abnormalities, chronic leg pain, sciatic, shoulder problems, throat, additional arm and forearm moves, elbow and wrist strapping, assessment and rehabilitation of shoulder and upper limb, pathology assessments review, Bowen-specific assessment – introduction to meridians
Module 11
Further specialised procedures, assessments and rehabilitation, insights into how Mr Bowen assessed the body, related body systems, review of subjective and objective assessment of the four regions of the body
We recommended checking with your Instructor for the specific content of either the module and/or the specific day for attendance. Visit our Course Search to find a module near you.
Presented By: All BTA trainers
Pre-requisite: Certificate IV in Bowen Therapy 11273NAT/10846NAT/or equivalent for Modules 4-6 and Diploma of Specialised Bowen Therapy 11274NAT/10847NAT/or equivalent for Modules 8-11.
Duration: 1-2 days
Continuing Education Units: 8 hours per day (Category 1) with Bowen Association Australia & Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)